in touch with friends
everyone!!! Today I would like to discuss with you different ways of keeping in
touch with our friends. I find this topic very interesting, so I hope you’ll
like it, as well.

But thanks to modern technologies, we have other
useful ways to stay in touch with our friends and relatives. We can use mobile
phones, email, text, Skype and social networking sites. Someone prefers to use
only one way, and then the others mix all modern technologies for
communication. For example, many young people like texting and social networking
sites, but adults prefer mobile phones and emails.
As to me, I try
to take a balanced approach. A little talking, a little messaging, a little
emailing helps me to stay in touch with my family and friends. For instance, I
use texting every day. Of course, I like face-to-face relationship, but I’m a
student, and I’m always in a bit of a hurry, so I text or call on my mobile
phone. It helps me save my time and money. That’s why I can say, that one of my
favourite gadgets is my mobile phone. Besides this, I like using social networking. I can share some great
news with my friends, amazing photos and wonderful emotions! I use email every
day. I communicate not only with my friends, but also with my English teacher. It
helps me to get new knowledge straight away. That’s a good idea, do you agree
with me?

And what do you
think about it? Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas and ask questions!